Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sawyer's FIRST Thanksgiving

WOW...Thanksgiving came and left super fast.  I can't believe Sawyer's first Thanksgiving is already over :(.  Going back to work after having 5 days with him was harder than I thought it would be! He is just growing up way too fast.  We went down to Thomaston and over to Phoenix City and had a lot of fun seeing family and friends we don't get to see much.

While traveling, Sawyer moved on to green veggies...peas and green beans.  That boy LOVES to eat!  I haven't given him anything that he hasn't gobbled up.  He also started sitting up unassisted for a short amount of time.  He still hasn't quite figured out how to crawl but he's pretty good at rolling to wherever he needs to go.  He has started doing this super cute and funny thing with his mouth.  He looks like he's trying to kiss and blow a bubble at the same time but he gets super proud of himself when he makes a noise doing it.  I have a feeling he's starting to cut teeth as well.  He's got all the signs...drooling, cold symptoms and biting on EVERYTHING! 

As soon as we got back in town from Thanksgiving we went to pick out our tree.  Then, just like every year, I had to bake Jared some chocolate chip cookies while we decorated the tree and watched Christmas Vacation.  Everybody at the tree farm thought Sawyer was adorable in his Santa hat...even if his daddy was embarrassed.  hehe. We have our 6 month pictures this weekend and then our doctor's appointment December 3 and I can't wait to have an update on all his stats! :)

 Playing with cousin Elyn

 Sweet Kisses!
Nonnie and Cruz
Nonnie and Paw Paw - Generation picture

My first bite of peas and green beans

 My first Iron Bowl - Glad to have this season behind us! :)

 Nonnie's pretty Christmas tree

Meeting baby Warren

Picking out our Christmas tree
We finally got some of our pictures back from our visit with Santa.

We saw Santa's motorcycle!!!


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