Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Saturday, December 1, 2012

6 MoNThS!

How is it possible that my buddy has been here for half a year already!?!?!  Sawyer is growing and growing and becoming more fun by the minute.  At his 6 month check up he weighed in at 16.5 lbs (25%) and 26 in (50%).  He has started sitting up by himself but still rolls to get everywhere.  We'll continue to work on the crawling.  He doesn't have any teeth coming in yet but definitely "gnaws" on everything in sight.  Sawyer now eats fruits along with his veggies.  His favorites seem to be bananas and mangoes.  I guess he has taste for the Jamaican cuisine :).  We are all getting excited for our first Christmas with Sawyer.  It brings a whole new level of excitement for Christmas morning!!!!

A few of my favorite things at 6 months:  sleeping with your bum in the air, bouncing like crazy when I hold you on my hip, the HUGE grin you give everyone that speaks to you, the silly dance you started doing when I change your diaper and the rare moments you fall asleep in my arms.
We love you so much buddy!

Bananas are YuMMy!!
 Sweet angel baby
 6 Months

 My 6 month photo shoot

Laughing at my silly mommy popping bubble wrap
I had so much that I just fell asleep


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