Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sawyer's First Christmas

This Christmas was such a special one!!!  It was Sawyer's FIRST Christmas.  Although he doesn't understand this year, we had a lot of fun pretending he did. :)  We went on our usual "Southeastern Tour" to see family.  We stayed in our home town for a few days and then traveled up to Gatlinburg. Out of all the driving he only had one spell of crying, so overall the trips were successful.  Sawyer, of course, got a lot of toys, books, etc from everyone so Santa brought him a lovely storage bench to keep in the living room to hide all of his fun things.  We'll take advantage of that while we can.  I don't want to rush time because we all know time really flies...especially with babies, but I really look forward to when he understands the meaning of Christmas.  I look forward to advent activities to teach him the true meaning, giving to others, ornament exchanges, bright eyes Christmas morning, and yes, traditional holiday baking with me, Nonnie & Aunt Bethany.  I must say he did act as though he knew exactly how to open presents because he tore into all of them!  It's hard to believe it's already over.  We are truly blessed with our most favorite gift this year...Sawyer!
Trying to figure out how to get into everything.

Sawyer and Nonnie

Sawyer and Aunt Bethany

 Sawyer and Sister Weagle :)

Sawyer with Nana Penny and Paps

My first trip to Christmas Lane (a home town tradition)

 Sawyer and Cousin Elyn

Sawyer and Mimi

We FINALLY got to meet our new friend Micah...he's precious!

Sawyer watching "The Night Before Christmas"narrated on YouTube...arent' we modern :)

My boys fell asleep waiting for Santa

Christmas breakfast


I HAD to post this because he looks like baby Jesus :)

Sawyer and "Earl"



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