Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Monday, November 5, 2012

5 Months

It seems like every time Sawyer is another month older there are SO many other things going on.  This time it was Halloween and the election.  At 5 months Sawyer is growing like a weed.  He looks like a different baby every time I wake him up.  He is still sleeping very well at night and napping pretty well.  He is rolling all over the bed now.  Most nights he sleeps on his belly.  I find it ironic that his sleep sack says back is best. :)  He is now up to 3 feedings of oatmeal a day so veggies here we come.  He is so funny when he eats.  He eats like his daddy...really fast.  I can't spoon in his food fast enough and he opens his mouth up REALLY wide every time I give him a bite.  I finally found his tickle spots...the tops of his thighs and shoulders.  We can always make him cackle like crazy if we whisper in his ear.  He also does this really cute thing now when you smile at him he'll just bury his head into you like he's shy.  I just want to put those little dimples in my pocket.  Bath time is still one of his favorites and he now splashes his legs the entire time. He's growing up so fast and is so much fun!  I dread Monday mornings because it's another week of dropping him off all day but it makes the end of the day so much sweeter!

I VOTED!!!!!
Not all pictures turn out the first time....take 1 :)

 Take 2:

 My first Halloween

I was a SPIDER!  I helped mom and dad pass out candy to the big kids.

 My mommy had a surprise 30th party for my daddy...look at his COOL cake!

 My favorite way to sleep

My 2nd favorite way to sleep

When did this become my living room decor!?!?!?

I love eating...I even talk when it's extra yummy!


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