Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Thursday, September 22, 2011

And Then There Were 3

And Then There Were 3…

So...I have a confession to make.  I set up this whole blog in order to have everyone join us on the journey of pregnancy.  Dropped the ball on that one.  I am actually back dating a couple of these (this one will be Sep. 22...the day we found out I was pregnant) so that I can try and remember the dates in the future.  This post is just going to show some pictures of my growing belly.  I do want it to be noted that I probably didn't post much throughout the pregnancy because I was too busy enjoying EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!  I know...crazy!  I actually really loved being pregnant...feeling him move, seeing him on the ultrasound, going to zumba, etc.  And, I was NEVER sick.  Okay, I'm finished bragging because the birth was not as glamorous!  Jared and I also spent our "babymoon" in Orange Beach, AL when I was 31 weeks pregnant.

We found out I was pregnant on September 22.  We told Jared's parents by putting our niece Elyn in a shirt that said "I am going to be a big cousin" with a turkey on it (it was Thanksgiving).  We told my family by hanging up a mini stocking that said Baby Davis when we all decorated for Christams Thanksgiving night.  We found out Sawyer was a boy the week before Christmas (I wanted to wait until Christmas morning to open the envelope but NOBODY wanted me to wait).  Sawyer arrived on June 1 and I will post another blog about his arrival so stay tuned (and hopefully I will get us caught up to current times becuase he is growing SO fast). :)  Enjoy...

the pregnancy test to confirm
 13 weeks
 17 weeks
  21 weeks
 26 weeks
 31 weeks
It's a boy!!!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

BeAcH bUmS!!!

Every year we visit our favorite beach...Orange Beach/Gulf Shores in Alabama.  We always count down the days because the beach is our favorite place to be hands down.  Jared and I went with my parents, sister and her fiance.  We got to do all of our favorite traditional things while there.  We played putt putt, shopped at the outlets and the Wharf, layed out on the beach and ate at all of our favorite restaurants.  I swear they have the BEST seafood down there and I probably gained 5 lbs on my visit.  Oh well...it was TOTALLY worth it!  Here are some of our photo highlights...

Thursday, June 23, 2011


This is a follow up to my birthday surprise.  The night of my birthday, Jared took me to two of my favorite places in Roswell.  First, we went to Stoney River which is a delicious steak house.  The number one reason we love this place is because of their "heavenly balls" (what we call them).  They are actually called stone puppies which is cute too but these bread balls actually taste as though they fell from heaven! :)  They are shaped like doughnut holes that you would get from Dunkin' Donuts.  They are a little sweet and made with poppy seeds.  The best part is the honey butter served with them.  These things are to die for!!!

heavenly balls!!!
I then ordered my usual, filet mignon with au gratin potatoes and sauteed mushrooms...mmm!!!  If you are there to celebrate anything (birthday, anniversary, etc) they bring you a complimentary piece of chocolate ganache cake which is the size of my head!

We followed up dinner with a trip to Cloud 9.  I know these little self serve yogurt shops are popping up all over the place, but Cloud 9 blows them all of the water in my opinion.  I have to go there once a week and it doesn't help that it is located on the same road as my school.  My favorite flavor is the pistachio...it doesn't sound good but it is so creamy and yummy!  You can then, of course, pick all of your toppings.  Another aspect that sets them apart from all the rest is that they serve unique cupcakes such as pina colada, key lime, snickers, etc.  It also isn't a chain which is nice and the owner is always so cheerful and welcoming!  I'm sure you'll hear me talk more about Cloud 9 in other posts...at least it's yogurt so it's somewhat light! :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Today is my 28th birthday..which means, only 2 more years until the big 3-0!!!   YIKES.  I woke up this morning to several bags lined up and down the stairs.  Jared is always so creative with my surprises and this one definitely didn't fall short.  I never gave any ideas this year as to what I might want, so he came up with an idea all on his own.  In each bag, he had several pieces of paper with images of some of my favorite stores and he made a story with them.  Basically, it ended with a Visa gift card that he gave me to spend at one of my favorites places...The Wharf in Orange Beach, AL.  We are going in 3 weeks and he knew I would want to shop til I drop.  This, to me, was a PERFECT and thoughtful gift.  Sorry the images are a little fuzzy...I guess if I'm going to continue with blogging I need to invest in a better camera! :)


Well, I figured that I would finally join the blogging world.  I have never considered myself to be even an average writer, but I wanted a way to allow our friends and family, near and far, to keep in touch with what is going on in our lives.  I have a classroom blog for my first graders but I thought it would be neat to start one for my small family...just me, Jared and our precious baby girl, Weagle.  I spent a good bit of time following other people's blogs that were phenomenal and inspiring.  While my blog will probably never reach those limits, I can at least have fun entertaining those closest to me! :)

In this blog, I hope to keep everyone up to date with Jared and myself as far as our jobs, our Weagle girl, our life as HUGE Auburn fans, our new roles as uncle and aunt, my fun with planning my sister's wedding, time with friends and family and even some struggles that I sometimes face living with diabetes.  You will also learn more about our personalities such as my love for fashion, cooking (I may venture to blog some recipes), dancing and working out, Jared's love for sports, golf and gaming and both of our love for the beach in the summers and snow (on rare occasions) in the winters.  We credit all of our wonderful blessings to our faith and love in Jesus and our involvement with Northpoint Community Church.  "And if our God is for us, then what can stand agianst?"

Currently, Jared, Weagle and I are living in Woodstock, GA.  Jared is working in Alpharetta as a claims adjuster at Central Insurance.  Sounds boring to me...but he's really good at what he does.  I teach first grade in Roswell at Mountain Park Elementary.  I recently received my masters in Educational Leadership and hope to start experimenting with new roles in the education world.  For now, I LOVE being the classroom.  Our dog, Weagle (named after a popular Auburn chant), is a 3 year old Lhasa Apso and the center of most of our attention...SUPER spoiled.  We recently became an uncle and aunt to 7 month old, Elyn...SUPER precious.  We keep getting the famous question of "when will you have a baby" but we are just loving this phase of our lives for now. 

Please stay tuned for posts to come...