Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Well, I figured that I would finally join the blogging world.  I have never considered myself to be even an average writer, but I wanted a way to allow our friends and family, near and far, to keep in touch with what is going on in our lives.  I have a classroom blog for my first graders but I thought it would be neat to start one for my small family...just me, Jared and our precious baby girl, Weagle.  I spent a good bit of time following other people's blogs that were phenomenal and inspiring.  While my blog will probably never reach those limits, I can at least have fun entertaining those closest to me! :)

In this blog, I hope to keep everyone up to date with Jared and myself as far as our jobs, our Weagle girl, our life as HUGE Auburn fans, our new roles as uncle and aunt, my fun with planning my sister's wedding, time with friends and family and even some struggles that I sometimes face living with diabetes.  You will also learn more about our personalities such as my love for fashion, cooking (I may venture to blog some recipes), dancing and working out, Jared's love for sports, golf and gaming and both of our love for the beach in the summers and snow (on rare occasions) in the winters.  We credit all of our wonderful blessings to our faith and love in Jesus and our involvement with Northpoint Community Church.  "And if our God is for us, then what can stand agianst?"

Currently, Jared, Weagle and I are living in Woodstock, GA.  Jared is working in Alpharetta as a claims adjuster at Central Insurance.  Sounds boring to me...but he's really good at what he does.  I teach first grade in Roswell at Mountain Park Elementary.  I recently received my masters in Educational Leadership and hope to start experimenting with new roles in the education world.  For now, I LOVE being the classroom.  Our dog, Weagle (named after a popular Auburn chant), is a 3 year old Lhasa Apso and the center of most of our attention...SUPER spoiled.  We recently became an uncle and aunt to 7 month old, Elyn...SUPER precious.  We keep getting the famous question of "when will you have a baby" but we are just loving this phase of our lives for now. 

Please stay tuned for posts to come...


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