Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sawyer's FIRST Thanksgiving

WOW...Thanksgiving came and left super fast.  I can't believe Sawyer's first Thanksgiving is already over :(.  Going back to work after having 5 days with him was harder than I thought it would be! He is just growing up way too fast.  We went down to Thomaston and over to Phoenix City and had a lot of fun seeing family and friends we don't get to see much.

While traveling, Sawyer moved on to green veggies...peas and green beans.  That boy LOVES to eat!  I haven't given him anything that he hasn't gobbled up.  He also started sitting up unassisted for a short amount of time.  He still hasn't quite figured out how to crawl but he's pretty good at rolling to wherever he needs to go.  He has started doing this super cute and funny thing with his mouth.  He looks like he's trying to kiss and blow a bubble at the same time but he gets super proud of himself when he makes a noise doing it.  I have a feeling he's starting to cut teeth as well.  He's got all the signs...drooling, cold symptoms and biting on EVERYTHING! 

As soon as we got back in town from Thanksgiving we went to pick out our tree.  Then, just like every year, I had to bake Jared some chocolate chip cookies while we decorated the tree and watched Christmas Vacation.  Everybody at the tree farm thought Sawyer was adorable in his Santa hat...even if his daddy was embarrassed.  hehe. We have our 6 month pictures this weekend and then our doctor's appointment December 3 and I can't wait to have an update on all his stats! :)

 Playing with cousin Elyn

 Sweet Kisses!
Nonnie and Cruz
Nonnie and Paw Paw - Generation picture

My first bite of peas and green beans

 My first Iron Bowl - Glad to have this season behind us! :)

 Nonnie's pretty Christmas tree

Meeting baby Warren

Picking out our Christmas tree
We finally got some of our pictures back from our visit with Santa.

We saw Santa's motorcycle!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

North GA Mountains

This weekend we were blessed with the opportunity to attend our annual Nossett Thanksgiving at my grandparent's house in Cleveland, GA.  I was really excited to have Sawyer experience that time with my dad's side of the family even if we missed some of our Indiana family this year. :(  I know he won't remember this year but it is definitely a memory he will have for what I hope to be many years to come.  Sawyer enjoyed our walk to the community mill and waterfall.

My grandparents started a big Nossett family picture the Thanksgiving my mom was pregnant with me to have for their annual Christmas card.  Unfortunately we had to be creative with individual pictures this year because we are a little more spread out now.

I pray that Sawyer will have the same generous and selfless love that my grandparents exude.  They have always been such positive role models in how to live for God and others through strong faith.  They have no idea the impact they have had on our entire family.

Generation picture
I call the turkey leg :)
Our trip to the mill and waterfall
On a different note....I tried sweet potatoes and my face says it all.  They were SO yummy!
...I would still rather have mom and dad's Chic-fil-a

My Nonnie got me a new blanket like the one my mom loved when she was a little girl.  Put it in my hands and this is me within 5 minutes...

Eating while enjoying a little Christmas music

Monday, November 12, 2012

PERFECT weekend!

This weekend was absolutely wonderful!  It was a little warm but BEAUTIFUL!  To say we were busy would be an understatement.  We had cousin Elyn's 2nd birthday party, pictures made with Santa, attended a baby shower and started veggies...squash to be exact. :)  Even amidst all the chaos and fighting a cold, Sawyer was super sweet and just went with the flow.  I guess I should just keep him this busy more often!

This is the Japanese Maple in our back yard.  Sawyer loved the red and just kept grabbing at it...like he does everything (so long "dangly" earrings)!

This is me trying squash for the first time....haha!  Although this initial reaction looks like I hated it I actually ate EVERY SINGLE BITE!!!!

Elyn is 2!!!! Her party was so much fun and a had the cutest theme.  It was pancakes and pajamas.  All the kids looked super cute in their pj's and this mommy will find any excuse to wear pajama pants.
 The table was set up like a bed!
 How cute is this cake!?!?!?

It was so nice getting to visit with Mimi, Earl & DD, Grandaddy & Clara, cousins Jessica & Ever, Aunt Jennifer's family and meeting some new friends.  I can't wait to get back the photos from our visit with Santa and share them with you all.  The Santa & location were perfect! (Jared would probably beg to differ because it was an hour away on a Saturday game day but he'll be glad we did it one day).

Monday, November 5, 2012

5 Months

It seems like every time Sawyer is another month older there are SO many other things going on.  This time it was Halloween and the election.  At 5 months Sawyer is growing like a weed.  He looks like a different baby every time I wake him up.  He is still sleeping very well at night and napping pretty well.  He is rolling all over the bed now.  Most nights he sleeps on his belly.  I find it ironic that his sleep sack says back is best. :)  He is now up to 3 feedings of oatmeal a day so veggies here we come.  He is so funny when he eats.  He eats like his daddy...really fast.  I can't spoon in his food fast enough and he opens his mouth up REALLY wide every time I give him a bite.  I finally found his tickle spots...the tops of his thighs and shoulders.  We can always make him cackle like crazy if we whisper in his ear.  He also does this really cute thing now when you smile at him he'll just bury his head into you like he's shy.  I just want to put those little dimples in my pocket.  Bath time is still one of his favorites and he now splashes his legs the entire time. He's growing up so fast and is so much fun!  I dread Monday mornings because it's another week of dropping him off all day but it makes the end of the day so much sweeter!

I VOTED!!!!!
Not all pictures turn out the first time....take 1 :)

 Take 2:

 My first Halloween

I was a SPIDER!  I helped mom and dad pass out candy to the big kids.

 My mommy had a surprise 30th party for my daddy...look at his COOL cake!

 My favorite way to sleep

My 2nd favorite way to sleep

When did this become my living room decor!?!?!?

I love eating...I even talk when it's extra yummy!