Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sawyer's First Valentine's Day

I was blessed with extra love this year for Valentine's Day since I had two valentines!  My big man and my little man.  Sawyer (his mommy, rather) made an alphabet valentine that spelled out I <3 U with a chocolate heart for his friends at day care.  They turned out so cute I made them for my students as well.  We HAD to get Sawyer a valentine card that plays music because he always plays with a musical card we gave daddy for Father's Day when we change his diaper...it's the ONLY thinkg that will keep him still. :) Valentine's night we cooked daddy his favorite meal...chicken pie, peas and mac-n-cheese.  Thankfully, we had a four day weekend following Valentine's Day so I got some extra cuddle/lazy time with my boys.  Friday, Aunt Katie came to visit from Augusta.  That night, Jared and I went to dinner at Rays on the Creek while Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Jamie watched Sawyer and then we watched Elyn Sunday night so they could go to dinner as well.  It was such a fun weekend!  Not many more first holidays left for baby boy!

My two loves

Valentines we made for friends, students and daddy

Valentine craft Sawyer made at day care

Daddy's chicken pie

 Valentine dinner

The smile that makes my heart melt <3

My musical card from mommy and daddy


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