Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Friday, February 1, 2013

8 Months

I noticed just how long it has been since I've updated my blog once I came on to blog about Sawyer being 8 months old and noticed the last post was his 7 month update.  Ooops!  Well, a lot has happened between 7 and 8 months.  Sawyer still isn't cutting any teeth but he has learned how to crawl.  Now that he has figured it out there is no stopping him.  He crawls super fast and tries to get into everything.  We can have a out a floor full of toys but he will still try to get into things he shouldn't be getting into.  He constantly wants to get down and explore...not much cuddling going on these days.  Sawyer hasn't gained much weight this month weighing in at 17.5 lbs.  He still eats and sleeps great.  We really are blessed with a great baby!  He is so happy and never meets a stranger. It is so much fun seeing his little personality starting to to show. It's hard to believe how close we are to having a one year old.


 Teething on mommy's apple.  He's also eating dry cereal and puffs and it is so stinking cute to watch him gum it :)

 Trying out a sippy cup for the first time...I think it may be the wrong way :)
Weagle and Sawyer love playing together
Crawling :)


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