Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sawyer's First Valentine's Day

I was blessed with extra love this year for Valentine's Day since I had two valentines!  My big man and my little man.  Sawyer (his mommy, rather) made an alphabet valentine that spelled out I <3 U with a chocolate heart for his friends at day care.  They turned out so cute I made them for my students as well.  We HAD to get Sawyer a valentine card that plays music because he always plays with a musical card we gave daddy for Father's Day when we change his diaper...it's the ONLY thinkg that will keep him still. :) Valentine's night we cooked daddy his favorite meal...chicken pie, peas and mac-n-cheese.  Thankfully, we had a four day weekend following Valentine's Day so I got some extra cuddle/lazy time with my boys.  Friday, Aunt Katie came to visit from Augusta.  That night, Jared and I went to dinner at Rays on the Creek while Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Jamie watched Sawyer and then we watched Elyn Sunday night so they could go to dinner as well.  It was such a fun weekend!  Not many more first holidays left for baby boy!

My two loves

Valentines we made for friends, students and daddy

Valentine craft Sawyer made at day care

Daddy's chicken pie

 Valentine dinner

The smile that makes my heart melt <3

My musical card from mommy and daddy

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Baby Dedication

Today was an extremely special day for us.  We had Sawyer dedicated at our church, North Point Community Church.  It was unlike any dedication I have ever witnessed.  They had us set up in round tables by family.  The program was about an hour long and consisted of our local pastor speaking to the parents and their children, a couple of songs, a slide show of pictures of the babies being dedicated and a few moments for conversation at the table.  Prior to the ceremony, we were encouraged to come up with 5 values and 2 habits to put in place for us and Sawyer, as well as, write him a letter. Then, we had to share what we came up with at the table.  Jared and I truly feel that we are stewards of Sawyer for just a very short time so we really wanted to put a lot of thought into our values and habits.  Giving Sawyer back to God realizing that we are trusting him with our precious child is an indescribable emotion.  We both feel blessed with the opportunity to be trusted as parents to such an amazing little boy and hope that family friends will continually hold us accountable for leading Sawyer in a Godly environment.  Therefore, I am going to share the values and habits we came up with.  I'm sure we will make a lot of mistakes along the way but being reminded of these will hopefully help us keep focused on the most important goal for Sawyer's life, which is to lead him into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.


1.  Love Jesus and place him first in your life

2.  Be truthful and do what is right even when it is hard

3.  Obey your parents and elders

4.  Have and show compassion towards others

5.  Be giving and selfless



1.  Pray nightly

2.  Say “yes ma’am” and “yes sir”

Like I said, Sawyer's dedication will be a day we will always be proud of.  I loved having all of my family attend, enjoying the cloud 9 cupcakes provided during the ceremony, having brunch at J. Christopher's and yes, even the Trace Adkins song "You're Gonna Miss This" that had all of us balling like crazy!!! (and those of you that know me well, know I do NOT listen to country music)  Here are just a couple of many picture we took of the day:



Friday, February 1, 2013

8 Months

I noticed just how long it has been since I've updated my blog once I came on to blog about Sawyer being 8 months old and noticed the last post was his 7 month update.  Ooops!  Well, a lot has happened between 7 and 8 months.  Sawyer still isn't cutting any teeth but he has learned how to crawl.  Now that he has figured it out there is no stopping him.  He crawls super fast and tries to get into everything.  We can have a out a floor full of toys but he will still try to get into things he shouldn't be getting into.  He constantly wants to get down and explore...not much cuddling going on these days.  Sawyer hasn't gained much weight this month weighing in at 17.5 lbs.  He still eats and sleeps great.  We really are blessed with a great baby!  He is so happy and never meets a stranger. It is so much fun seeing his little personality starting to to show. It's hard to believe how close we are to having a one year old.


 Teething on mommy's apple.  He's also eating dry cereal and puffs and it is so stinking cute to watch him gum it :)

 Trying out a sippy cup for the first time...I think it may be the wrong way :)
Weagle and Sawyer love playing together
Crawling :)