Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Yummy Yummy food in my TUMMY!

Sawyer reached another big milestone this weekend.  Yep, he ate food...oatmeal cereal to be exact!  After 4 1/2 months of severe acid reflux and spitting up I made the decision to ahead and see if what others say is true.  And thankfully, so far, it its! It has really helped his reflux with only one feeding a day.  He seems so much more fulfilled, happy and the fussing/spit up is very minimal.  Points for mom and dad on this decision because the doctor said it was up to us if we wanted to eat at 4 months or wait until 6 months.  He wasn't so sure about it at first and insists on putting his fingers in his mouth after every bite.  Of course the entire time I was certain you were going to choke to death but you didn't and you're slowly becoming a champ at mastering that spoon! :)

First time in my big boy high chair
First time eating from a spoon...oatmeal is pretty tasty!

Friday, October 19, 2012

It's FALL Y'all

This is hands down my most favorite season of the year...football, pumpkins, chill in the air, etc.  I have already embarked on some of my fall time activities such as taking Sawyer to the Roswell Youth Day Parade and pumpkin patch and baking some yummy pumpkin bread.  Sawyer is growing like a weed and rolling all over the place.  He has discovered his toes which makes changing quite challenging these days.  My favorite mommy thing at the moment is waking him up in the mornings and picking him up from daycare...there is NO better feeling than that huge smile that comes across Sawyer's face reassuring me that he knows I'm his mom.  The funny thing of the moment...he now wakes up at night just to talk to himself for about 15 minutes and then goes back to sleep (wish it wasn't happening around Halloween because it makes it a little more creepy).  He's beginning to show a lot of readiness signs for solid foods so that may be our next big step so stay tuned!

Some of our pictures from the pumpkin patch...

Side note...This is what I'm currently trying to remind myself everyday while being a working mommy:
Babies Don't Keep-11x14 Print

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MoNTh FouR!

I can't believe we have already made it to FOUR months!  I definitely believe it now when other people tell me "don't blink!"  We had Sawyer's checkup and here are his current stats: Weight-13lbs, 13oz (35th percentile), Height-24in (60th percentile), Eating-8oz every 4hrs (4 times a day), Sleeping-10-12 straight hours a night with 2-3 naps a day lasting anywhere from 1-3 hours.  I fall more and more in love with him everyday!

He has started laughing an actual laugh and it is hilarious. 
Jared and I say it sounds like his little old man laugh.

AND the little nugget is just about to figure out how to crawl!  He still only rolls from tummy to back but he may just skip everything and stand up and walk at this rate.  Is it bad if I push him down when he starts walking?
Sawyer has discoverd my childhood blanket and loves it.  I certainly hope that he doesn't think it will be his.  He's actually in the "big bed" in this picture which I said I would never let him do but he only gets in there for his Saturday morning nap so we call it our "Saturday Morning Snuggle."  He still sucks those two middle fingers like crazy which is good because we don't have to play the "find the paci" game!  I love that he likes to sleep like his mommy!
This time of year we are ALL INTO sports...Auburn, Falcons, Braves.  Unfortunately, Auburn is having a terrible season and the Braves are no longer in the playoffs.  Here's to hoping the Falcons can give us just a little bit of satisfaction this year!