Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sawyer's Birthday

He’s Here!!!
Sawyer Byron Davis
June 1, 2012 8:09 am
8 lbs 4 oz
20 1/2 in

Sawyer made his debut on Friday, June 1, 2012 at 8:09 am.  As mentioned in a previous post I had an amazing pregnancy but a not-so-ideal delivery, however, God really strengthened me along the way in learning to give up control.  My plan was to have a natural delivery...WRONG.  I ended up delivering via c-section after the doctors were projecting Sawyer to be 9lb 11oz!!! (no, thank you).  Fortunately, he wasn't that big but it was somewhat disappointing after agreeing to a c-section.  However, it turns out that the cord was wrapped around his neck (God). 
I actually have a really cool God story to tell.  The day before my c-section I decided to have one last pedicure before Sawyer's arrival.  In walks another very pregnant girl with blue polish in hand and she sat beside me.  After talking we discovered we were scheduled for the same date, time and hospital for our c-sections with boys.  I actually saw her checking in and we talked for a good 30 minutes before our surgeries, visited with one another in the hospital and have been keeping in touch ever since.  This was her second c-section so it was also helpful to have her ease my fears because I was insanely anxious the couple of weeks leading up to it!
While in the hospital we had a TON of family and friends visit our sweet boy.  I unfortunately can't remember much of it because I was there for 5 days and had a rough recovery but I enjoy listening to others tell me the stories.  Sawyer also lost more than 10% of his body weight because of difficulty nursing which added some days to the stay.  One thing I can remember is trying to wake Jared one night (who sleeps extremely hard) because Sawyer was crying and I couldn't get out of the bed to see about him.  I tried yelling, calling his cell and eventually even threw juice boxes at his head...NOTHING.  I had to call a nurse to come help me.  Things have improved in that area now! :)
I am grateful that I was able to remember the actual c-section process because it wasn't that bad (just the recovery was awful) and I still have a very precise memory of seeing Sawyer for the very first time as well as holding him the very first time...he was SO squishy!  One of the pictures below that I love is my facial expression seeing him for the first time.  There were a TON of pictures taken but the ones below are some of my favorites...

 Aunt Bethany & Uncle Wynn



 Earl & DD


 Nana Penny


 Uncle Jamie

 Aunt Jennifer

 Nonnie & Mimi


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