Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Beach Baby

Jared and I have waited for the moment we could take Sawyer to the beach since I became pregnant!  We are both obsessed with the beach, almost to the point we almost bought Salt Life stickers to go on our cars.  We go to Orange Beach in Alabama every year.  We even took our "babymoon" there.  Well, the time had FINALLY come!  Sawyer turned a year old so we knew it would be the perfect time for our family to go on his first trip to the beach.  MAJOR LET DOWN!!!!  Sawyer HATED the beach...the sand, the water, the heat...ALL of it.  He literally cried 80% of the time.  He woke up...cried...went to the beach...cried....took a nap....cried....went out to dinner...CRIED.  I needed a vacation from our vacation.  In he defense, he was cutting his two upper teeth and fighting a cold (aside from the fact that he just flat out HATED the beach).  Oh well.  I guess there's always next year.  The occasional smiles in the following picture are very deceiving...



Saturday, June 1, 2013

12 Months AKA One YEAR!

What a year!  Being a mommy is the most difficult yet rewarding job on the planet. I blinked, and all of a sudden, my 8lb 4oz, 20 inch long baby became a 20lb, 28 inch long little boy.  We have had our share of ups and downs, like all first time prents do, but it is quite amazing how it's all of the wonderufl memories that stick out the most.  At times, I miss all of the sweetness of a newbown (especially the "squeashiness"), but the interaction I now get from Sawyer is so much fun.  He now walks all of the time, has 4 teeth, eats table foods, laughs and talks a lot (still no words we can make out), and yes, has even began throwing the infamous temper tantrums (I could definitely do without those).  He loves throwing balls (among other things) and playing pat-a-cake.

We had Sawyer's birthday party on his actual birthday.  It was a nautical theme and I had so much fun planning for it.  He had a great turn out filled with all of our family and friends.  He is one blessed little boy and we are blessed to be his parents!