Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sawyer's First Easter

This Easter was bittersweet.  We realized that this would be Sawyer's "last, first holiday."  It just doesn't seem possible.  We kicked off the festivities with an Easter Egg Hunt at his day care.  He actually participated very well by picking up the eggs I would squat beside and, of course, placing each and every one in his mouth.  He would then proceed to put them in the basket, and then out, over and over.  The other children were so cute helping him out.  For Easter weekend, we stayed with Aunt Bethany and Uncle Wynn.  We went to Senoia to see where they film the Walking Dead, had dinner with Nonnie & Poppy one night, and Easter lunch with Mimi, Papa Bill, Elyn, Jamie & Jennifer.  The Easter bunny brought Sawyer a lot of goodies!  An outfit, books, bubbles, beach toys, etc.  We look forward to one day getting to explain the true meaning behind Easter and why we celebrate it.  I thank God for sacrificing his Son so that now I can enjoy mine.  We have so many blessings to be grateful for.

Here are some of our pictures from Easter. Included are his bunny session photos.  Let's just say these pictures do not depict the horror that was experienced.  Sawyer screamed bloody murder when he saw the bunny.  The only way we could get a picture with it was to put it in a bucket.  In his defense, it was a freakishly large bunny!


Monday, April 1, 2013

10 Months

Well, we are no longer in the single digits. :(  Sawyer is now 10 months old!  And...drum roll please... HE HAS A TOOTH!!!  We didn't think he would ever cut his first tooth.  Apparantly he has handled it very well because we didn't even know it was coming through until he bit down on my cheek and I felt it.  Hopefully that will be the case for the whole teething process!  Sawyer is now eating meats including chicken, turkey, beef and salmon!  I still haven't found anything he won't eat.  He's practically "running" behind his "walker" but still doesn't have the courage to let go.  He babbles, sings and cackles like crazy.  He is super busy and always on the go.  It's definitely harder to keep up with him these days.  In fact, the pictures were nearly impossible to get.  Take 396!