Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Saturday, March 2, 2013

9 Month Photos

Thank you Joni Becerra for another round of great pictures!  Despite the freezing cold temps that day, I got the railroad track picture I've been wanting!

Friday, March 1, 2013

9 Months

This is Sawyer's last "baby milestone" before he hits a year old...9 MONTHS.  It is just going by way too fast!  He has developed his own little personality and I am falling more and more in love with it everyday.  At his 9 month check up he weighed 17 lbs 12 oz and was 27 inches long. He is crawling, pulling up everywhere, walking with a walker and getting into everything.  He is truly fearless...well, unless it's a harmful, cuddly bunny we're talking about...more to come on that on his first Easter post. :)  We're beginning to wonder if we need to invest in some baby dentures...little dude STILL doesn't have any teeth coming in.  We did go ahead and start him on some pureed meats. His babbles are hilarious...a lot of "da da's" and "bye bye's." He loves being outside which is awesome now that it is beginning to warm up and stay lighter out longer.  His favorite song is Ho Hey by the Lumineers and he tries to sing along whenever Jared and I sing it to him.  One night, I was reading in his Bible stories book about Adam and Eve and instead of reading that "they disobeyed God" I read it as "they distroyed God."  Okay...story ends there. :)  Hopefully I won't make that mistake once he understands what I'm reading.  I guess the countdown is now on to his first brithday AND summer break.  WOOHOO.  Pinterest here I come. :)

9 Month Photo Shoot (more to come)
The jug I insist on carrying arund everywhere.
My first luau
Eating at Fickle Pickle in Downtown Roswell
Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
Meeting "Sweet Caroline"
Fun day at the park with Parker
I love to ride
Sweet baby fell asleep on Aunt Bethany
Learning to walk :)