Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

7 Months

I feel like every time I fall asleep and wake up it is time to update my blog with a new post because Sawyer is another month older.  He is quickly starting to look/act more like a little boy than a baby :(.  He is measuring in at 17.5lbs, eating like a champ, and sleeping like a champ.  He is starting to get the hang of crawling.  He'll crawl two knee crawls and then flatten out.  He somehow still manages to get to where he wants to go so I'm having to constantly move him or things around him.  It seems as though he is moving at ALL times.  If I hold him, he's bouncing, if he's in his carseat, he's kicking his legs.  Typical boy! He started giving kisses back and reaching up for me...melts my heart!  Sawyer is also super intuitive right now.  He notices and studies everything! He has a smile that will light up the room and I hope he will never lose that.  Love you, Pumpkin!