Jared, Anna, Sawyer & Weagle

Saturday, November 2, 2013

First Haircut

Kicking and screaming is what comes to mind.  No, not my 17 month old son, but ME.  This mommy was unnecessarily emotional about cutting those precious curls.  Sawyer did amazing.  We went to Pigtails and Crewcuts.  He picked the yellow taxi cab to sit in and the barber pumped him full of animal crackers to keep him happy (which food always keeps him happy).  Although he looks adorable, he looks too much like a little boy and not my baby anymore.  We did get to keep a lock of his hair (with a small extra added fee).  :)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick OR Treat

As if it were a surprise to anyone, Sawyer dressed up as a pumpkin this year!  Jared and I call him Punkin' and Punkin' Head all the time, so it only made sense for him to be a Pumpkin for Halloween.  He made a darn cute on too, if I must say so myself.  I had the wonderful vision of him diving right into our real pumpkin this year to enjoy all the "gooeyness", but NO, he didn't want anything to do with it.  Maybe next year.  He was absolutely precious handing out candy, though.  We went to a friend's house to pass out candy and show off Sawyer's costume.  He picked right up on the concept and insisted on handing out candy to all the trick or treaters that came up.  He was hilarious delegating just one piece per kid, too.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Punkin' Pickin'

Today marked our second annual pumpkin patch visit.  This year, we tried out a new pumpkin patch so that we could hit up the new outlet mall afterwards.  FUN!!!  Sawyer loved the farm this year!  They had goats, hay rides, corn mazes, but best of all...JUMPEE THINGY!!!  He could have stayed hours on that air bubble of fun.  This weekend was also full of fun football, birthday parties and a visit from Aunt Bethany Uncle Wynn.  The only downside to the weekend was that he got called a girl FIVE times!!!  I wouldn't be as offended had it only been one or two...but FIVE!  I guess it's time to cut the curls. :(

Sawyer's new favorite phrase is "what's that?"  Every new thing he sees and every new noise he hears.."what's that?"  Guess I'll have one of those kids.  haha...I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, though.  That little boy is such a blessing!


Saturday, October 5, 2013


This was a BIG weekend for the Davis household....Sawyer went to Auburn for game day for the very first time.  He didn't go to the game, but he did get to tailgate and had a BIG time!!!  He definitely thought he was one of the "big boys" running around out there.  He kept us on our toes with either running towards the road, going up and down huge hills, trying to play with the fan...whew.  We also were thrilled to have the chance to hang out with sweet Micah and his parents.  It was a proud mama/wife moment to see my boys enjoy this time!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall is in the Air!

Yay!!!  It's finally my favorite season of the year again.  We've already made our first batch of pumpkin muffins. :)  We took advantage of the beautiful weather this past weekend and went to Riverfest.  I just LOVE fall festivals.  We also enjoyed a fire pit night, and of course, several football games.  Sawyer will be going to his first official football game next weekend (Auburn vs Ole Miss).

We are extremely glad to be past this week of teething.  Sawyer got two of his back molars and we were seriously living with a different child...one that I do not want to come back.  The tantrums are in high gear already!!!  However, they are overshadowed by all of the cuteness that oozes from him.  One thing that comes to mind is how amazed we are when we are scrolling through the DVR and you shout "Bubble Guppies" at the first sight of a merkid (or whatever those things are).

We finally upgraded to a big boy car seat as well.  This mommy was a little more emotional about this than she should have been, but it was definitely time.  I'm just proud of my little nugget finally getting too big for his infant carrier.



Thursday, September 12, 2013

At it Again...well, maybe!

I have finally decided to put up another post after a 3 month hiatus.  This exhausted mama felt less pressure to document every little thing as soon as Sawyer turned one.  We did have an amazing summer together, though.  I've always felt sad for summers to end, but it was even harder this year, especially since Sawyer is so much fun now.  Over the summer, after the dreadful beach trip, we attended music classes, library classes, visited parks and had several play dates.  We had our first trip to Charlotte and spent a week in Thomaston.

Sawyer has quickly changed from a baby into a little boy.  He does something new and cute everyday.  He can now say mama, dada, banana and several color words.  He also does great with his sign language.  His favorite things to do are play with his large legos, slide, type on the i pad, and watch Rio (he's actually obsessed with this movie).

Since it has been such a long time, I have so many pictures and so much new information to share, but I'll spare everyone and just post a few of my favorites from the summer.
playing outside
Cow Appreciation Day at Chic-Fil-A with the small group
pool time with Warren
4th of July with Parker
library time
music class with Tessa